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Juan Alberto Aragon Correa
MARZO 2009
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J. Alberto Aragón-Correa is Professor of Strategic Management at University of Granada (Spain). He is now serving as Director of the PhD program “Economics and Management” (awarded with “Quality Mention” by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education), and as Director of the Executive Master “Management of the Tourism Industry”. Before he was Deputy Dean of the School of Economics and Business and Director of Management Department at University of Granada

His topics of interests are business strategy, the connections between organizations and environmental management, stakeholders’ management, and corporate innovation related to sustainability. He has published multiple works in different journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, British Journal of Management, Long Range Planning, Journal of Business Research, Ecological Economics, Sustainable Development, among others.  Additionally, he has published multiple books, and chapter of books in English and Spanish on different topics regarding corporations and development.

Professor Aragón-Correa has been actively involved in research mentoring for many years. He has been Supervisor of five PhD dissertations (all of them awarded with “Cum Laude” distinction), coordinator of different PhD programs at University of Granada, and guess professor for multiple doctoral courses all around the world. He also collaborates as guess reviewer with multiple journals. As founding member of the Group of Organizations and Natural Environment (GRONEN), a network of European and American scholars focused on environmental research, he actively works to establish corporate sustainability as a field of scholarship and promote international collaboration between scholars.

Alberto has received several research grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Spain and has served on its Research Grants Adjudication Committee. He has received several research and academic awards. He has also consulted for different government agencies and private companies.

Alberto has worked in multiple projects, contracts, and courses all around the world (including among others: Argentine, Belgium, Chile, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, Morocco, Portugal, Rumania, Russia, Slovenia, Sweden, Turkey, U.K. or USA). Additionally, he has been visiting professor at Rotterdam-Erasmus University (The Netherlands), Saint Mary’s University (Canada) and University of California at Berkeley (USA).

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