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Innovation, sustainability and business development
(Ref. SEJ-481)
marzo 2025
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J.A. Aragon Correa and M. Ruiz Castillo,  "Independent directors and environmental innovations: How the visibility of public and private shareholders' environmental activism moderates the influence of board independence", "Business Strategy and the Environment" , vol.2023, 1-17, 2023
D. Bolaños Martinez, F.M. García Moreno, L. Delgado-Márquez, M.V. Hurtado Torres, M.L. Rodriguez Almendros, J.L. Garrido Bullejos, M.J. Rodriguez Fortiz, B.L. Delgado Marquez and M. Bermudez Edo,  "Un enfoque innovador para el aprendizaje activo y colaborativo basado en juegos de rol", "Actas de las Jornadas sobre la Ensen¿anza Universitaria de la Informa¿tica" , 335-342, 2023
A. Martos-Pedrero, D. Jiménez-Castillo, V. Ferron Vilchez and F.J. Cortés-García,  "Corporate social responsibility and export performance under stakeholder view: The mediation of innovation and the moderation of the legal form. ", "Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management" , vol.30, 248-266, 2023
E. Cordón Pozo, M.D. Vidal-Salazar, J.M. De La Torre Ruiz and S. Gómez Haro,  "Benefit Communication and Its Effects on Employees' Benefit Level Satisfaction: The Multiple Mediating Effects of POS and Benefit Comparison", "International Journal of Business Communication" , vol.60, 331-350, 2023
J. Delgado Ceballos, N. Ortiz Martínez De Mandojana, R. Antolín-López and I. Montiel,  "BRQ Business Research Quarterly", "Business Research Quarterly" , vol.26, 2-10, 2023
J.A. Aragon Correa, J.M. De La Torre Ruiz and M.D. Vidal-Salazar,  "Agglomerations around natural resources in the hospitality industry: Balancing growth with the sustainable development goals", "Business Research Quarterly" , vol.26, 11-26, 2023
R. Martín Rojas, A. Garrido-Moreno and V.J. Garcia Morales,  "Social Media Use, Corporate Entrepreneurship and Organizational Resilience: A Recipe for SMEs Success in a post-Covid Scenario.", "Technological Forecasting and Social Change" , vol.190, 1-19, 2023
S. Montalvo Arroyo, J.M. De La Torre Ruiz, M.D. Vidal-Salazar and E. Cordón Pozo,  "Effects of information on salary satisfaction during the COVID-19 pandemic: an equity-based mediation model", "Academia. Revista Latinoamericana de Administración" , vol.36, 371-387, 2023

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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