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Natalia Ortiz Martínez De Mandojana
MARZO 2009
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Producción científica

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Lista de artículos

J. Delgado Ceballos, N. Ortiz Martínez De Mandojana, R. Antolín-López and I. Montiel,  "BRQ Business Research Quarterly", "Business Research Quarterly" , vol.26, 2-10, 2023
J. Valbuena Hernandez and N. Ortiz Martínez De Mandojana,  "ENCOURAGING CORPORATE SUSTAINABILITY THROUGH EFFECTIVE STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS", "Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management" , vol.29, 124-134, 2022
I. Montiel, J. Delgado-Ceballos, N. Ortiz Martínez De Mandojana and R. Antolín-López,  "New ways of teaching: Using technology and mobile apps to educate on societal grand Challenges", "Journal of Business Ethics" , vol.161, 243-251, 2020
A. Galeazzo, N. Ortiz Martínez De Mandojana and J. Delgado Ceballos,  "Green Procurement and Financial Performance in the Tourism Industry: The Moderating Role of Tourists' Green Purchasing Behaviour", "Current Issues in Tourism" , -, 2020
I. Montiel, J. Delgado Ceballos, N. Ortiz Martínez De Mandojana and R. Antolín-López,  "New Ways of Teaching: Using Technology and Mobile Apps to Educate on Societal Grand Challenges", "Journal of Business Ethics" , vol.161, 243-251, 2020
N. Ortiz Martínez De Mandojana, P. Bansal and J.A. Aragon Correa,  "Older and wiser: how CEOs¿ time perspective influences long-term investments in environmentally responsible technologies", "British Journal of Management" , vol.30, 134-150, 2019
M. Morales-Raya, I. Martín Tapia and N. Ortiz Martínez De Mandojana,  "To be or to seem: The role of environmental practices in corporate environmental reputation", "Organization & Environment" , vol.32, 309-330, 2019
N.E. Hurtado Torres, J.A. Aragon Correa and N. Ortiz Martínez De Mandojana,  "How does R&D internationalization in multinational firms affect their innovative performance? The moderating role of international collaboration in the energy industry", "International Business Review" , vol.27, 514-527, 2018

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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