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Samuel Gómez Haro
MARZO 2009
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Producción científica

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Lista de artículos

E. Cordón Pozo, M.D. Vidal-Salazar, J.M. De La Torre Ruiz and S. Gómez Haro,  "Benefit Communication and Its Effects on Employees' Benefit Level Satisfaction: The Multiple Mediating Effects of POS and Benefit Comparison", "International Journal of Business Communication" , vol.60, 331-350, 2023
S. Gómez Haro "The History of Basketball Factors that Influence Perfomance Better. An Analysis Through 40 NBA Seasons.", "Estudios de Economía Aplicada" , vol.40, -, 2022
R. Salmerón Gómez and S. Gómez Haro,  "High performance of professional basketball players and the settings to measure their regularity: evidence from the Spanish ACB League", "Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis" , vol.12, 362-379, 2019
V. Blanco Izquierdo, R. Salmerón Gómez and S. Gómez Haro,  "A Multicriteria Selection System Based on Player Performance: Case Study - The Spanish ACB Basketball League", "Group Decision and Negotiation" , vol.27, 1029-1046, 2018
R. Salmerón Gómez and S. Gómez Haro,  "Ampliando horizontes sobre medición del rendimiento y regularidad en el baloncesto profesional", "RICYDE: Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte" , vol.12, 234-249, 2016
S. Gómez Haro and R. Salmerón Gómez,  "Life cycles or longer tenures? a performance and employment duration model for Spanish basketball coaches", "Coaching" , vol.8, 36-52, 2015
S. Gómez Haro and R. Salmerón Gómez,  " Recovering performance in the short term after coach succession in Spanish basketball organisations", "Coaching" , vol.9, 24-37, 2015
R. Salmerón Gómez and S. Gómez Haro,  "Relación entre los factores institucionales y el emprendimiento: análisis mediante técnicas cuantitativas", "Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa" , 54-72, 2012

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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